বিগত ১৮ বছরের ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের প্রশ্ন
যতটুকু জানা আবশ্যক!
Samad Azad
✎✎✎✎✎ ✎✎ ✎✎ ➊ ➋ ➌
পিএসসি এর বিগত ১৮ বছরের English Literature এর উপর প্রশ্ন শেয়ার করলাম।
৩৫ তম বিসিএস প্রিলির জন্য ৪/ ৫
টা বই ঘেটে ঘুটে English Literature এর বিগত প্রশ্নসমূহ হাতে লিখে
নিয়েছিলাম।তারপর টপিকস অনুযায়ী সাজিয়ে নোট করেছিলাম।আসলে সেই সময়টায় ইংলিশ
নিয়ে জোর দিব, আরও কাজ করব, এমন অন্য কিছু ছিল না।নোট্ করেছিলাম - যেন সবাই
যতটুকু পারে, আমিও যেন কমপক্ষে ততটুকু পারি।
English Literature এর উপর আমি খুব বেশি জোর দেয়ার পক্ষপাতী না।কারণ এটা লিখিত বা অন্য কোথাও কাজে দিবে না।এছাড়া পিএসসিও চাবে না কেউ Literature অনেক অনেক মুখস্ত করে ইংলিশ এ পার পেয়ে যাক।আমার মনে হয়, সর্বোচ্চ ৭০% কমন থাকতে পারে। PSC এখন vocabulary, বিশেষত communicative English এর উপর বেশি জোর দিচ্ছে। ৩৫, ৩৬ তম বিসিএস এর প্রিলি ও লিখিত সেটার ইঙ্গিত দেয়।
=============== ========
★ Age/Years :
=============== ========
Victorian : 1832-1901
Anglo Saxon : 450-1066
Elizabethan : 1558-1603
Renaissance : 1500-1660
Romantic age : 1798-1830
Romantic : 1798-1832
Modern : 1901-1939
Post Modern : 1939
Shakespeare: Elizabeth age (1564-1616)
Churchill got Nobel: 1953
Novel award introduced in Literature: 1901
TS Eliot born : 1888
=============== ========
★ Age/Period
=============== ========
Golden age: Elizabeth I age
Mid English Period: 1066-1500
Modern Poet: TS Eliot
Oldest Period: Anglo Saxon
Romantic Age Poet: J Keats, Wordsworth
Romantic Period: 1798-1830
Shakespeare lived: Elizabeth Reign
Victorian age Poet: Robert Browning
Victorian period: 19th century
=============== ========
★ Types
=============== ========
Shakespeare : Plays/Drama
Bertrand Russel : Philosopher(UK)
Charles Dickens : Novelist
Goethe (Poet) : Germany
O Henry famous : Short history
Same period belong : ST Colidge + Wordworth
Epic Poet :John Milton, Lord Tennyson
William Hazlitit : Essayist
Francis Bacon : Essayist
Lucy Poem : Wordsworth
Charles Lamb : Essayist
Lyciday : J Milton
George Barnard Shaw : Play Writer
=============== ========
★ English Literary Terms:
=============== ========
A Fantasy: Imaginary Story
Achilles: Greek Fighter
Ballad: Short narrative poem
Catastrophe: The tragic end of dramatic events
Lexicographer: Dictionary Writers
Limerick: Short form of light verse
Melodrama: Play: Violent & Sensational themes
Novel: Latin word
Ode - a lyric poem, often in the form of an address.
Opera – a musical drama.
Parody – imitation of a poem or a writing.
Penny dreadful – blood and thunder tales.
Plagiarism – act of stealing from the writing of others.
Protagonist – the leading character in a play / novel.
Rhetoric – the art of persuasive impressive speaking / writing.
Rhyme – short poem in same sound.
Satire - The literary art that uses honour and wit to attack and expose human folly and weakness.
Sonnet – a poem of fourteen lines.
Thrillers – sensational stories
Renaissance: The revival of life
Romantic Poetry feature: Subjectivity
Romanticism: Love & Beauty
To Daffodils: Short lived human life
=============== ========
★ Books & writers Name
=============== ========
A Brief History of Time-Stephen Hawking
A Farewell to Arms-Earnest Hemingway
A Long Walk to Freedom-Nelson Mandela
A Midsummer’s Nights Dream-William Shakespeare
A pair of Blue Eyes-Thomas Hardy
A Passage to India-E. M. Forster
Adonis-P. B Shelly
Akbar Nama-Abul Fazal
All’s Well that Ends Well-William Shakespeare
Andrea Del Sarto (Poem)-Browning
Animal Farm-George Orwell
Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy
Around the World in Eighty Days→ Jules Verne
As You Like it-William Shakespeare
Asian Drama-Gunner Myrdal
Blue Bird-Lord Alfred Tennyson
Caesar and Cleopatra-Georg e Bernard Shaw
Canterbury Tales-Geoffrey Chaucer
Cesar and Cleopatra (Play)-G.B Shaw
Comedy of errors-Shakespe are
Crime and Punishment-Dost oevsky
Das Capital-Karl Mark
David Copperfield-Cha rles Dickens
Dictionary-Samu el Johnson
Discovery of India-Johor Lal Nehru
Divine Comedy-Dante
Don Juan-Lord Byron
Dr. Faustus-Christo pher Marlowe
Emma-Jane Austen
For Whom the Bell Tolls-Earnest Hemingway
Freedom-Bertran d Russell
Friends not Masters- Gen Ayub Khan
God of the Small Things-Arundhut y Roy
Great Expectations-Ch arles Dickens
Gulliver’s Travels-Jonatha n Swift
Hamlet- Shakespeare
Hamlet-William Shakespeare
Heaven and Earth-Lord Byron
If Winter comes (Poem)- Shelley
In Memoriam-Lord Alfred Tennyson
India Wins Freedom-Abul Kalam Azad
Isabella-John Keats
Julias Caesar (Tragedy)- Shakespeare
Jungle Book-Rudyard Kipling
King Lear- Shakespeare (tragedy)
Kubla Khan- ST Coleridge
Leaves of Grass- Walt Whitman
Lycidas-John Milton
Macbeth-William Shakespeare
Main Kemp-Ad loaf Hitler
Man and Superman-George Bernard Shaw
Marriage and Moral-Bertrand Russell
Measure and Measure-William Shakespeare
Memories of the Second World War-Winston Churchill
Merchant of Venice (Comedy)- Shakespeare
Mother-Maxim Gorky
Ode to the West Wind-P.B Shelly
Of human bondage- Somerset Maugham
Oliver Twist-Charles Dickens
Origin of Species-Charles Darwin
Othello-William Shakespeare
Paradise Lost- J. Milton
Paradise Regained- Milton
Passage to India-E.M Forster
Pilgrim’s Progress-John Bunyan
Politics-Aristo tle
Prelude-William Wordsworth
Pride and Prejudice- John Austin
Prince-Machiave lli
Rape of the Lock-Alexander Pope
Robinson Crusoe-Daniel Defoe
Romeo and Juliet-William Shakespeare
Roots-Alex Haley
Samson Agonists-John Milton Das
Scholar Gipsy-Matthew Arnold
Sense and Sensibility-Jan e Austen
Seven Seas-Rudyard Kipling
Silent Women-Ben Jonson
Solitary Reaper- William Wordsworth
Songs of innocence- William Blake
Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow-D.H Lawrence
Tempest-William Shakespeare
Tess of the D’Urbervilles-T homas Hardy
The 2nd world- Winston Churchill
The Alchemist-Ben Jonson
The diamond necklace (Short story)- Maupassant
The God of Small things- Arundhuti Roy
The Good Earth- Pearl S Buch (USA)
The Iliad- Homer
The Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare
The new testament- John Wycliffe
The Old Man and The Sea-Earnest Hemingway
The picture of Dorain Gray- Oscar Wild
The Rainbow (Novel)- Lawrence
The Rape of the Lock-Alexander Pope
The Return of the Native-Thomas Hardy
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Animal Farm-George Orwell
The sacred flame- William Somerset Mengham
The Tale of Two Cities-Charles Dickens
The Taming of shrew- Shakespeare
The Time Machine- H.G Wells
The Waste Land (Poem)- TS Eliot
The Way of the World-William Congreve
Things Fall Apart-Chinua Achebe
Time Machine-H. W Wells
To Skylark-P. B Shelly
Tom Jones-Henry Fielding
Top Secret-Henry Fielding
Try and Try Again-W.E Hick son
Twelfth Night-William Shakespeare
Ulysses (Novel)- Jmaes Joyces
Utopia-Sir Thomas Moore
Vanity Fair-W.M Thackeray
Volpone-Ben Jonson
Voyage of Lilliput-Jonath on Swift
Waiting For Goddot-Samuel Becket
War and Peace-Leo Tolstoy
Wealth and Nation-Adam Smith
West Land-T.S Eliot
Wuthering Heights-Emile Bronte
=============== ========
=============== ========
Adam - Paradise Lost - J Milton (Epic)
Alice - Lewis Carrol
Ancient Mariner - ST Colridge.
Cleopatra - Othello (Tragedy) - Shakespeare
Hctor - Illiard (Epic) - Homer
Ivanhoc - Ivanhoe - Walter Scott
James Bond - Ian Fleming
Jeeves - Woodhouse
Kim - Kipling
Machbeth - Machbeth (Tragedy) - Shakespeare
Micawber - David Coperfield - Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist - Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
Sherlock Homes - Conan Doyle (Novel)s
Shylock - The Merchant of Venice (Comedy ) - Shakespeare
=============== ========
★ Quotations:
=============== ========
A thing of beauty is joy forever =Jonh Keats = Endymion
Beauty is truth-=Jonh Keats=Ode on a greacion keats
Behold her…single in the field=W. Wordsworth
Blow blow the winter wind=W shakespeare
Come live with me and be my love=Christophe r marlow
Cowards die many time before their death = Shakespeare=Jul ias Caesar
England expects every man to do his duty=Nelson
Give me a good mother, I will give u a good nation=Nepoleon
Good face is the best letter of recommendation= Queen Elizabeth
He prayeth best who loveth best=ST Colridge =The Anci Marine
If winter comes can spring befar behind=PB Shelley=Ode to the west wind
If winter comes=PB Shelley=Ode to west wind
Justice delayed is justice denied=Gladston e
Oh lift me as a wave a leaf a cloud I blees=PB S.Shelley=Ode to the wesr wind
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of a saddesr thought=
Some book are to be tasted=Princess Bacon=of study
There are more thing in heaven and earth=Shakespae re=Hamlet ar charater
There is a divinity that shapes our ends= shakespeare=ham let
To be or not to be that is the question= shakespeare=Ham let
To err is human to forgive is divine=Alexande r Pope
We look before and after=PB Shelley
=============== ========
★ কে কোন যুগের সাহিত্যিক? (শর্টকাট)
=============== ========
# Romantic Period:
"Australia ও Scotland এর Blake Keats রা Shelley কে Wordsworth বলে Call করে"।
বিস্তারিত :
Australia= Austen
Scotland = Walter Scott
Blake = William Blake
Keats = John Keats
Shelley = P.B Shelley
Wordsworth = William Wordsworth
Call = ST Coleridge
# Modern Period:
"Lawrence এর Maugham Forster বলে, Yes (Yeats), Hemingway Well keeping করে।"
বিস্তারিত :
Lawrence = D.H Lawrence
Maugham = Somerset Maugham
Forster = E.M Forster
Yes (Yeats) = W. B. Yeats
Hemingway = Earnest Hemingway
keeping = Rudyard Kipling
# Renaissance Period:
Henry Wife (Wyatt) Moore Swovy ডাকে।
বিস্তারিত :
Henry = O Henry
Wife (Wyatt)
It's interesting !
1789 : French Revolution
1798 : Romantic period of English Literature started
1879 : Birth of Edward Forster
1888 : Birth of T.S Eliot
=============== ====
কার্টেসি ছাড়া অন্য কোন গ্রুপ বা পেজে পোস্ট করা সম্পূর্ণ নিষেধ।
যে মানুষের কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করেনা, সে আল্লাহরও কৃতজ্ঞ হয় না। [ আবু দাউদ ]
যে তার ভাইয়ের প্রয়োজন পূরণ করে, আল্লাহ তার প্রয়োজন পূরণ করেন। [ সহীহ বুখারী ]
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France
_______________ _____
যতটুকু জানা আবশ্যক!
Samad Azad
✎✎✎✎✎ ✎✎ ✎✎ ➊ ➋ ➌
পিএসসি এর বিগত ১৮ বছরের English Literature এর উপর প্রশ্ন শেয়ার করলাম।

English Literature এর উপর আমি খুব বেশি জোর দেয়ার পক্ষপাতী না।কারণ এটা লিখিত বা অন্য কোথাও কাজে দিবে না।এছাড়া পিএসসিও চাবে না কেউ Literature অনেক অনেক মুখস্ত করে ইংলিশ এ পার পেয়ে যাক।আমার মনে হয়, সর্বোচ্চ ৭০% কমন থাকতে পারে। PSC এখন vocabulary, বিশেষত communicative English এর উপর বেশি জোর দিচ্ছে। ৩৫, ৩৬ তম বিসিএস এর প্রিলি ও লিখিত সেটার ইঙ্গিত দেয়।

★ Age/Years :
Victorian : 1832-1901
Anglo Saxon : 450-1066
Elizabethan : 1558-1603
Renaissance : 1500-1660
Romantic age : 1798-1830
Romantic : 1798-1832
Modern : 1901-1939
Post Modern : 1939
Shakespeare: Elizabeth age (1564-1616)
Churchill got Nobel: 1953
Novel award introduced in Literature: 1901
TS Eliot born : 1888
★ Age/Period
Golden age: Elizabeth I age
Mid English Period: 1066-1500
Modern Poet: TS Eliot
Oldest Period: Anglo Saxon
Romantic Age Poet: J Keats, Wordsworth
Romantic Period: 1798-1830
Shakespeare lived: Elizabeth Reign
Victorian age Poet: Robert Browning
Victorian period: 19th century
★ Types
Shakespeare : Plays/Drama
Bertrand Russel : Philosopher(UK)
Charles Dickens : Novelist
Goethe (Poet) : Germany
O Henry famous : Short history
Same period belong : ST Colidge + Wordworth
Epic Poet :John Milton, Lord Tennyson
William Hazlitit : Essayist
Francis Bacon : Essayist
Lucy Poem : Wordsworth
Charles Lamb : Essayist
Lyciday : J Milton
George Barnard Shaw : Play Writer
★ English Literary Terms:
A Fantasy: Imaginary Story
Achilles: Greek Fighter
Ballad: Short narrative poem
Catastrophe: The tragic end of dramatic events
Lexicographer: Dictionary Writers
Limerick: Short form of light verse
Melodrama: Play: Violent & Sensational themes
Novel: Latin word
Ode - a lyric poem, often in the form of an address.
Opera – a musical drama.
Parody – imitation of a poem or a writing.
Penny dreadful – blood and thunder tales.
Plagiarism – act of stealing from the writing of others.
Protagonist – the leading character in a play / novel.
Rhetoric – the art of persuasive impressive speaking / writing.
Rhyme – short poem in same sound.
Satire - The literary art that uses honour and wit to attack and expose human folly and weakness.
Sonnet – a poem of fourteen lines.
Thrillers – sensational stories
Renaissance: The revival of life
Romantic Poetry feature: Subjectivity
Romanticism: Love & Beauty
To Daffodils: Short lived human life
★ Books & writers Name
A Brief History of Time-Stephen Hawking
A Farewell to Arms-Earnest Hemingway
A Long Walk to Freedom-Nelson Mandela
A Midsummer’s Nights Dream-William Shakespeare
A pair of Blue Eyes-Thomas Hardy
A Passage to India-E. M. Forster
Adonis-P. B Shelly
Akbar Nama-Abul Fazal
All’s Well that Ends Well-William Shakespeare
Andrea Del Sarto (Poem)-Browning
Animal Farm-George Orwell
Anna Karenina-Leo Tolstoy
Around the World in Eighty Days→ Jules Verne
As You Like it-William Shakespeare
Asian Drama-Gunner Myrdal
Blue Bird-Lord Alfred Tennyson
Caesar and Cleopatra-Georg
Canterbury Tales-Geoffrey Chaucer
Cesar and Cleopatra (Play)-G.B Shaw
Comedy of errors-Shakespe
Crime and Punishment-Dost
Das Capital-Karl Mark
David Copperfield-Cha
Discovery of India-Johor Lal Nehru
Divine Comedy-Dante
Don Juan-Lord Byron
Dr. Faustus-Christo
Emma-Jane Austen
For Whom the Bell Tolls-Earnest Hemingway
Friends not Masters- Gen Ayub Khan
God of the Small Things-Arundhut
Great Expectations-Ch
Gulliver’s Travels-Jonatha
Hamlet- Shakespeare
Hamlet-William Shakespeare
Heaven and Earth-Lord Byron
If Winter comes (Poem)- Shelley
In Memoriam-Lord Alfred Tennyson
India Wins Freedom-Abul Kalam Azad
Isabella-John Keats
Julias Caesar (Tragedy)- Shakespeare
Jungle Book-Rudyard Kipling
King Lear- Shakespeare (tragedy)
Kubla Khan- ST Coleridge
Leaves of Grass- Walt Whitman
Lycidas-John Milton
Main Kemp-Ad loaf Hitler
Man and Superman-George
Marriage and Moral-Bertrand Russell
Measure and Measure-William
Memories of the Second World War-Winston Churchill
Merchant of Venice (Comedy)- Shakespeare
Mother-Maxim Gorky
Ode to the West Wind-P.B Shelly
Of human bondage- Somerset Maugham
Oliver Twist-Charles Dickens
Origin of Species-Charles
Paradise Lost- J. Milton
Paradise Regained- Milton
Passage to India-E.M Forster
Pilgrim’s Progress-John Bunyan
Pride and Prejudice- John Austin
Rape of the Lock-Alexander Pope
Robinson Crusoe-Daniel Defoe
Romeo and Juliet-William Shakespeare
Roots-Alex Haley
Samson Agonists-John Milton Das
Scholar Gipsy-Matthew Arnold
Sense and Sensibility-Jan
Seven Seas-Rudyard Kipling
Silent Women-Ben Jonson
Solitary Reaper- William Wordsworth
Songs of innocence- William Blake
Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow-D.H Lawrence
Tess of the D’Urbervilles-T
The 2nd world- Winston Churchill
The Alchemist-Ben Jonson
The diamond necklace (Short story)- Maupassant
The God of Small things- Arundhuti Roy
The Good Earth- Pearl S Buch (USA)
The Iliad- Homer
The Merchant of Venice-William Shakespeare
The new testament- John Wycliffe
The Old Man and The Sea-Earnest Hemingway
The picture of Dorain Gray- Oscar Wild
The Rainbow (Novel)- Lawrence
The Rape of the Lock-Alexander Pope
The Return of the Native-Thomas Hardy
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Animal Farm-George Orwell
The sacred flame- William Somerset Mengham
The Tale of Two Cities-Charles Dickens
The Taming of shrew- Shakespeare
The Time Machine- H.G Wells
The Waste Land (Poem)- TS Eliot
The Way of the World-William Congreve
Things Fall Apart-Chinua Achebe
Time Machine-H. W Wells
To Skylark-P. B Shelly
Tom Jones-Henry Fielding
Top Secret-Henry Fielding
Try and Try Again-W.E Hick son
Twelfth Night-William Shakespeare
Ulysses (Novel)- Jmaes Joyces
Utopia-Sir Thomas Moore
Vanity Fair-W.M Thackeray
Volpone-Ben Jonson
Voyage of Lilliput-Jonath
Waiting For Goddot-Samuel Becket
War and Peace-Leo Tolstoy
Wealth and Nation-Adam Smith
West Land-T.S Eliot
Wuthering Heights-Emile Bronte
Adam - Paradise Lost - J Milton (Epic)
Alice - Lewis Carrol
Ancient Mariner - ST Colridge.
Cleopatra - Othello (Tragedy) - Shakespeare
Hctor - Illiard (Epic) - Homer
Ivanhoc - Ivanhoe - Walter Scott
James Bond - Ian Fleming
Jeeves - Woodhouse
Kim - Kipling
Machbeth - Machbeth (Tragedy) - Shakespeare
Micawber - David Coperfield - Charles Dickens
Oliver Twist - Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
Sherlock Homes - Conan Doyle (Novel)s
Shylock - The Merchant of Venice (Comedy ) - Shakespeare
★ Quotations:
A thing of beauty is joy forever =Jonh Keats = Endymion
Beauty is truth-=Jonh Keats=Ode on a greacion keats
Behold her…single in the field=W. Wordsworth
Blow blow the winter wind=W shakespeare
Come live with me and be my love=Christophe
Cowards die many time before their death = Shakespeare=Jul
England expects every man to do his duty=Nelson
Give me a good mother, I will give u a good nation=Nepoleon
Good face is the best letter of recommendation=
He prayeth best who loveth best=ST Colridge =The Anci Marine
If winter comes can spring befar behind=PB Shelley=Ode to the west wind
If winter comes=PB Shelley=Ode to west wind
Justice delayed is justice denied=Gladston
Oh lift me as a wave a leaf a cloud I blees=PB S.Shelley=Ode to the wesr wind
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of a saddesr thought=
Some book are to be tasted=Princess
There are more thing in heaven and earth=Shakespae
There is a divinity that shapes our ends= shakespeare=ham
To be or not to be that is the question= shakespeare=Ham
To err is human to forgive is divine=Alexande
We look before and after=PB Shelley
★ কে কোন যুগের সাহিত্যিক? (শর্টকাট)
# Romantic Period:
"Australia ও Scotland এর Blake Keats রা Shelley কে Wordsworth বলে Call করে"।
বিস্তারিত :
Australia= Austen
Scotland = Walter Scott
Blake = William Blake
Keats = John Keats
Shelley = P.B Shelley
Wordsworth = William Wordsworth
Call = ST Coleridge
# Modern Period:
"Lawrence এর Maugham Forster বলে, Yes (Yeats), Hemingway Well keeping করে।"
বিস্তারিত :
Lawrence = D.H Lawrence
Maugham = Somerset Maugham
Forster = E.M Forster
Yes (Yeats) = W. B. Yeats
Hemingway = Earnest Hemingway
keeping = Rudyard Kipling
# Renaissance Period:
Henry Wife (Wyatt) Moore Swovy ডাকে।
বিস্তারিত :
Henry = O Henry
Wife (Wyatt)
It's interesting !
1789 : French Revolution
1798 : Romantic period of English Literature started
1879 : Birth of Edward Forster
1888 : Birth of T.S Eliot
কার্টেসি ছাড়া অন্য কোন গ্রুপ বা পেজে পোস্ট করা সম্পূর্ণ নিষেধ।
যে মানুষের কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করেনা, সে আল্লাহরও কৃতজ্ঞ হয় না। [ আবু দাউদ ]
যে তার ভাইয়ের প্রয়োজন পূরণ করে, আল্লাহ তার প্রয়োজন পূরণ করেন। [ সহীহ বুখারী ]
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France