[S.S.C ←2017] S.s.c English 1st paper super suggestion all board..don’t miss..!!


(1) Bangladesh is a small country. It is burtend with so many problems  population problem is one of the major problems. (2) Electronic mail is popularly know as”e-mail”.  It is the communication of textual massege via electronic memo.
(3) Global Warning  – an unusual increase in world temperatures is one of the burning question of the day.
(4) Newspaper is the people’s parliament. The news paper plays a vital role in modern civilization.
(5) In order to know whether a nation is rich or poor developed or undeveloped.  One does not need do count the number of his.


(1) Tree Plantation
(2) Load Shedding
(3) A tea stall
(4) Global Warming
(5) How to use the Internet
(6) Your favorite Sports
(7) Deforestation

……….Writing Story………..

(1)  The King of  Iran used to invite the great poet. Sheikh Sadi very often to his court.  Once On his Way To The kings count the poet took shelter.
(2) Once there lived a poor main in a village with his wife and number of children. He was thinking how he could get solvency.
(3) Once up on a time there lived three friends in a certain village. One day they sey out on a long journey on foot.
(4) One day a linon was sleeping in a cave. A mouse was playing nearby.
(5) One day a boy was walking along a railway.  At a certain place he saw a break in the line.
(6) Once up on a time the house of a rich man was in fested with rats.


(1)  Now Write a letter congratulating her on her brilliant  Success.
(2) Now write a letter to tamim consoling him for his illness.
(3) Now Write a letter  to you & your friend describing what you would like to do with the money.
(4) Now Write a letter  to you & your father about your preparation for the ssc exam.
(5) Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper appreciating this initiative saying why this should be followed by other city.
(6) Write a letter hre/him telling about your plan after the s.s.c examination.


(1) Write a dialouge  between you and your science teacher about setting up a computer club in your school..
(2) Write a dialouge  between two friends about importance tree plantation.
(3) Write a dialouge  between two friends about the importance of bangladesh of higher studies, good
(4) Write a dialouge  between two friends about the use and abuse of mobile phone.
(5) Write a dialouge  between two friends about good and bad side of mobile phone.

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